How to choose an entity type in Semarchy?

You just implemented Semarchy as Master Data Management and you are faced with one of the first questions a developer has to ask: what entity type should I choose for each of my data objects? Should I choose a basic entity, an ID matched or a fuzzy matched? And what impact might this have on the development of my data model? Let’s figure it out together and learn how to choose your entity type wisely.

First, no worries, nothing is immutable… but once you have chosen your entity type, you definitely want to avoid changing it, as this requires time and has an important impact. Choosing an entity type has specific repercussions on the way you manage your data, the consolidation process and the rules you can implement later, so let’s ensure we make the right choice from the start.



Step 1: Understand what entity types are really about

In Semarchy you can choose between three types of entities: basic, ID-matched or fuzzy-matched. You can find all the details of the functionalities that each one has in the “Entities” section semarchy documentation.

As a summary, this table of the different entity types will give you a clear and synthetic view of the main aspects.

Figure 1: Overview of the entity types. ©Semarchy

Semarchy entity types overview 1.png

Step 2: Learn about the impact of choosing one type of entity over another

In terms of the data validation process, choosing a basic, ID-matched or fuzzy-matched entity has also some impact regarding the tables created and the data quality checks you will be able to manage.

Figure 2: Certification process for basic entities. ©Semarchy

Semarchy entity types overview 2.png

Repercussions are well described in the semarchy documentation in the “Data Certification” section

Figure 3: Certification process for Id match & Fuzzy entities. ©Semarchy

Semarchy entity types overview 3.png

Step 3: Ask yourself the right questions about your data

Sometimes, considering only the technical capabilities is not enough to make a wise choice and you need to consider the nature of your data, the evolving applications’ ecosystem of your company and the future business needs, to name a few.

Consider the additional elements below before making your choice. Please note that the ID-matched is rarely used in practice and is easier to determine if appropriate, which is why we will consider choosing between a basic or a fuzzy-matched entity in this example.

Figure 4: Examples of architecture position for the MDM


Step 4: Choose your entity type

Now that you have a better understanding of the ecosystem and key elements of your data, let’s go back to the set of questions with guidance on the entity to be chosen based on your answers.

Figure 5:
Guidance table: Choosing Your Entity Type

choose your entity type semarchy.jpg

Questions to ask before choosing an entity type in Semarchy:

Pick an entity you want to implement in Semarchy and answer these five questions to better understand your data and its ecosystem. This is an essential step in making the most suitable decision.

About the author

Yann Lironi
Yann Lironi
Data Governance Specialist