How Lausanne Tourisme unleashes the power of Data

How to offer a better experience to your visitors based on your data? At a time when data is at the heart of our activities, it is crucial to know how to properly organise and structure your data strategy in line with your business strategy. What are the final objectives? What data should be valued? How can we better integrate it between each of our different departments? Learn from the example of Lausanne Tourisme in this webinar. Benjamin Protais, Data Expert, interviewed Steeve Pasche, CEO of Lausanne Tourisme on how they built their data strategy.

Data is also transforming the tourism landscape. When used wisely it helps to better define how a destination is developing and attracting visitors, but more importantly, it helps to better anticipate what people are looking for to provide an optimal experience.

Are you curious to know more?

In this webinar, accessible in replay, you will learn:

  • How Lausanne Tourisme defined its data strategy
  • How the “Data culture” has been implemented within Lausanne Tourisme
  • How the teams identified the use-cases for their data strategy
  • And how these use-cases were then implemented in the form of a Dashboard
  • An overview on how the the Data Brief & Data Thinking workshops supported in Lausanne Tourisme in their Data Strategy