Generative AI: Trick or Treat?

The Do’s and Don’ts for effective organizational change

Generative AI is booming. Not a single day passes by without a new breakthrough making machines more and more capable of interpreting and generating convincing content such as text, images, videos, or sound. The disruptive power is gigantic and will shortly give an unfair advantage to organizations able to successfully embrace these new technologies

To do that, decision makers need a clear view of Generative AI’s capabilities, limitations, requirements, and risks. But in such a fast-evolving landscape, finding the right information can be daunting. 

Join us for an exciting webinar hosted by our leading Data & AI experts and discover how you can seamlessly integrate Generative AI into your organization. 


  • Fundamentals of Generative AI: quick Recap 

  • Exploring the Potential: demo and specific features 

  • How to integrate it in your organization: 

    - Initiate your journey: best Practices and common challenges  

    - Activate the transformation: impact on roles, profiles, and skillsets

3 Experts to tackle Gen AI 

Pierrick Reglioni


Jeremy El Aissaoui


Abdel Haik


Pierrick Reglioni

Data Architect 

Jérémy El Aïssaoui

AI Expert

Abdelkarim Haïk

Data Expert

4 reasons to join this webinar: 

  1. Learn the main do’s & don’ts when it comes to Generative AI in production 

  2. Understand the main impacts that Generative AI could have on your business

  3. Hear it from people who are actually doing it (not selling it) 

  4. Gain a Year's Worth of Experience with a 1-Hour Webinar 
Inteligencia Artificial