Become a Data-centric Company

Many figures show that all companies are not data-centric and they do not exploit fully their data, approximately 12% of exploited data is business critical. Data is at the heart of all company’s business model but how to use fully the business data assets? How to increase the usage of data? Our two experts shared some best practices, the common challenges, successes and failures to become data-centric in this 40 minutes webinar you can watch in replay.


In this webinar you will learn:

  • What does it mean to “transform data into value”?
  • What does “data-centric” for a company mean?
  • How do traditional companies implement their Data strategy?
  • What are the challenges, successes & failures for businesses to become data-centric?
  • Some best practices to remember

This webinar is presented by Benjamin Protais, Tribe Lead Data Management Europe at Business & Decision and Pierrick Reglioni, Data Manager & Deputy Tribe Lead Data Management Europe at Business & Decision.

Data Governance