Data Culture

The goal for companies today is to foster data-centric organizations. At its core, achieving data-centricity hinges on nurturing a unified data vision and language – a pivotal component in the dynamic realm of data management. 


The recurring challenges faced in data-related projects, whether they involve technology or organization, highlight the vital need for the right data culture.   

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Our customer references


Journey toward a data-centric company

Ingenico group is a global leader in seamless payment services. It provides smart, trusted and secure solutions to empower commerce across all channels: in store, online and on mobile. Ingenico ePayments counts some of the biggest players in the e-commerce business and accommodates over 70,000 merchants active in online sales.

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BI Platform for a company data-centric

Ingenico group is a global leader in seamless payment. They provide smart, trusted and secure solutions to empower commerce across all channels: in store, online and on mobile.

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Data Culture: Fueling Your Data-Driven Journey

Our expertise is a compass for companies on their modern data journey. It starts with universal awareness, where each individual, from top-level executives to everyday data workers, plays a pivotal role in the data ecosystem. Tomorrow's vital assets are those who adapt in data-related skills, and we are committed to empowering companies to upskill their teams. 
We empower organizations to cultivate a culture of open exchange and collaboration, fostering the free flow of ideas and encouraging innovation at every level. Our comprehensive toolset supports your transformation journey. Personalized coaching, interactive webinars, and tailored training equip every team member to excel in the data-driven universe. 
Adopting a data culture through our approach isn't merely for stakeholder satisfaction; it's a substantial cost-saving measure. Countless projects are failing due to data comprehension gaps. Through skills enhancement, we facilitate the shift from concept to execution—a strategic investment securing your company's future.

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Why choose Orange Business?

  • Vignette Digital Services

    Assessment framework

    Assessment framework

    Our approach is built on our Modern Data Platform framework, enabling seamless data culture integration across infrastructure, architecture, governance, and data strategy. Our aim: boost data culture, turning every initiative into success.

  • Vignette  Digital Services

    Data coachs

    Data coachs

    Whether refining data governance, delving into AI, or designing robust data architectures in the cloud, our resources guide you at every step